Yep I was diagnosed with IC first in March. After I had a cystoscopy and CT scan in January. The cystoscopy showed that my bladder was looking like a person who had undergone chemo...nice huh. My CT scan showed that I was a tad backed up...I have IBS too like most ICers. My urologist tried to blame everything on that. I pointed out that wouldn't make me pee blood and clots so I was put on vesicare. Which I took for a month and stopped, do you know what that does to a person with IBS?
Then in March I went back and I was still having problems. This was my diagnosis..."yep I guess you have it if drinking ginger ale at work gives you pain and frequency. Stop drinking it. I'll see you back in the end of June". Great...what was I supposed to do with that. I was still having pain, urgency, bloating to the point where my clothes didn't fit, and microscopic blood in my urine.
So I made an appointment with a urogynocologist for May. I was really hoping he would say "nope surely you do not have IC". But really he said "yep you definitely do have IC". And here is what we are going to do about it.
Zantac 150mg twice a day
Bladder instills once a week for 6 weeks...the Whitmore protocol
The IC diet...blah
Prelief before meals
and Physical Therapy...Yippy!
I've had my 5th instill and on week 4 I had no blood in my urine!!! YAY!! First time in about 5 years! So something is all that is working!
Its summer so I don't look crazy wearing skirts and dresses all the time. But I bought myself some great warm boots for winter to solve that problem.
Now we just have to tackle this diet issue. How to make a bland diet taste good.....Hmmmm
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